Classroom debate and consolidation: How successful was Mao as ruler of China, 1949-76?

Classroom debate and consolidation: How successful was Mao as ruler of China, 1949-76?

Members of the class will be presented with this debate framework and detailed timeline. They use this to frame “prosecution” questions on particular policies (summarised as the headings in six key columns in a table provided). These questions should take the format “Is it not true that…which is demonstrated by the following evidence…which is reliable because…“.
Each member of the class will then share their question an allocated opponent, who will then be given time to frame a response to it, ideally using fresh evidence from research if appropriate.
The debate between the first pair of students will then take place and all students should take notes before the audience then attempts to reach a concluding synthesis which both sides are happy to accept. Repeat for the other questions to obtain a thorough analysis of the topic.